NetGate Announces Site Statistics Upgrade

We've upgraded our statistics application to provide you with improved analysis, graphical views, and many additional features.



Access and Security

Your new statistics can be accessed via your NetGate Hosting Control Panel. For your convenience and viewing enjoyment we have recompiled your January - March 2004 statistics. To improve privacy and security your statistics are no longer publicly available and can only be accessed via your control panel. Statistics files are now stored in a new subdirectory named "stats" which is located in your home directory.

Old Statistics

Your old statistics are still available in your "www_stats" directory. Please use the following link to view your previous statistics. Feel free to delete the "www_stats" directory from your "www" directory if you don't care about the old data.


If you have comments, or questions please contact us via email, or call us at 877-715-4927.