World-Wide Web Access Statistics

Last updated: Thu, 01 Apr 2004 01:18:27 (GMT -0800)

Totals for Summary Period: Mar 1 2004 to Mar 31 2004

Files Transmitted During Summary Period            4273
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period        64192768
Average Files Transmitted Daily                     138
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily                 2070734

Daily Transmission Statistics

%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent     Requests  Date
----- ----- -------------- -------- |------------
 2.04  1.71        1098834       87 | Mar  1 2004
 2.32  2.10        1347031       99 | Mar  2 2004
 2.88  2.28        1460400      123 | Mar  3 2004
 1.54  0.88         566625       66 | Mar  4 2004
 3.49  1.99        1274359      149 | Mar  5 2004
 2.67  2.03        1301404      114 | Mar  6 2004
 3.56  2.55        1634215      152 | Mar  7 2004
28.15  8.19        5254491     1203 | Mar  8 2004
 3.67  2.22        1423498      157 | Mar  9 2004
 2.32  1.56        1002954       99 | Mar 10 2004
 2.01  1.89        1214708       86 | Mar 11 2004
 3.28  2.90        1859476      140 | Mar 12 2004
 1.80 11.94        7661707       77 | Mar 13 2004
 1.66  1.25         801065       71 | Mar 14 2004
 2.64  2.31        1485055      113 | Mar 15 2004
 1.78  1.47         941490       76 | Mar 16 2004
 2.32  1.84        1183785       99 | Mar 17 2004
 2.43  2.39        1534710      104 | Mar 18 2004
 3.77  3.81        2448013      161 | Mar 19 2004
 1.43  0.89         570541       61 | Mar 20 2004
 2.48  1.86        1193899      106 | Mar 21 2004
 2.93  2.60        1671233      125 | Mar 22 2004
 1.59  1.38         887298       68 | Mar 23 2004
 1.57  1.26         810187       67 | Mar 24 2004
 1.90  0.87         560360       81 | Mar 25 2004
 1.52  1.37         878356       65 | Mar 26 2004
 1.90  1.11         709429       81 | Mar 27 2004
 1.90  1.30         834239       81 | Mar 28 2004
 2.88  2.17        1393703      123 | Mar 29 2004
 3.14 28.06       18014746      134 | Mar 30 2004
 2.46  1.83        1174957      105 | Mar 31 2004

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent     Requests  Domain
----- ----- -------------- -------- |------------------------------------
 0.12  0.04          27932        5 | ar    Argentina
 0.54  0.57         364647       23 | au    Australia
 0.44  0.39         253124       19 | be    Belgium
 0.02  0.00            296        1 | bo    Bolivia
 0.12  0.05          31186        5 | br    Brazil
 2.18 27.55       17687036       93 | ca    Canada
 0.09  0.13          86066        4 | cc    Cocos (Keeling) Islands
 0.02  0.00            552        1 | cz    Czech Republic
 0.09  0.15          99320        4 | de    Germany
 0.02  0.03          20177        1 | ee    Estonia
 0.12  0.03          21259        5 | fr    France
 0.23  0.09          56509       10 | gr    Greece
 0.14  0.11          72974        6 | il    Israel
 0.05  0.04          28840        2 | in    India
 0.09  0.05          29200        4 | it    Italy
 1.22  0.27         170395       52 | jp    Japan
 0.40  0.11          70012       17 | mx    Mexico
 0.14  0.25         160175        6 | my    Malaysia
 0.19  0.25         161633        8 | nl    Netherlands
 0.12  0.17         111001        5 | no    Norway
 0.05  0.00            360        2 | nz    New Zealand (Aotearoa)
 0.19  0.14          87140        8 | pl    Poland
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | pt    Portugal
 0.19  0.02          15216        8 | sc    Seychelles
 0.05  0.07          46252        2 | se    Sweden
 0.02  0.03          20177        1 | sg    Singapore
 0.05  0.00            714        2 | tw    Taiwan
 0.26  0.24         155296       11 | uk    United Kingdom
 0.47  0.44         279749       20 | us    United States
46.41 33.01       21193124     1983 | com   US Commercial
 0.87  0.91         583473       37 | edu   US Educational
 0.26  0.44         285335       11 | gov   US Government
 1.01  0.49         314028       43 | mil   US Military
20.52 12.86        8252333      877 | net   Network
 0.37  0.10          62539       16 | org   Non-Profit Organization
22.82 20.81       13358272      975 | unresolved 
 0.12  0.13          86246        5 | 

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent     Requests  Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- -------------- -------- |------------------------------------
22.82 20.81       13358272      975 | Unresolved
 0.09  0.04          27752        4 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.09  0.05          33420        4 |
 0.09  0.05          30632        4 |
 0.07  0.13          82161        3 |
 0.28  0.34         218434       12 |
 0.09  0.05          30632        4 | be.telenet-ops
 0.35  0.35         222492       15 | be.tiscali
 0.02  0.00            296        1 |
 0.12  0.05          31186        5 |
 0.02  0.00            552        1 | ca.accesscomm.reverse
 0.09  0.13          86066        4 |
 0.09  0.13          86066        4 | ca.on.ilsc
 0.09  0.06          38610        4 |
 1.54 27.11       17400125       66 | ca.sympatico
 0.12  0.03          20721        5 | ca.sympatico.qc
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | ca.uwo.reznet.smh
 0.09  0.05          32470        4 |
 0.09  0.03          22246        4 |
 0.09  0.13          86066        4 | cc.stoltoffshore
 0.09  0.05          33420        4 | com.academicplanet
 0.19  0.07          44492        8 | com.acelerate
 0.23  0.07          44439       10 | com.alexa
 0.68  0.29         186114       29 |
 1.38  0.80         511331       59 |
 0.09  0.05          32470        4 |
 0.23  0.12          77074       10 |
 0.82  0.48         310126       35 |
25.39  6.20        3981075     1085 | com.attbi.client2.we
 0.14  0.04          24837        6 |
 0.02  0.03          20177        1 | com.bulldogdsl
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.09  0.03          20169        4 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.02  0.01           8018        1 | com.communitybankssb
 0.05  0.11          69611        2 | com.cosmocom
 0.19  0.09          56320        8 | com.cox-internet.bcst
 0.09  0.05          33420        4 | com.cox-internet.gtwn
 0.23  0.12          77074       10 | com.cox-internet.laft
 0.14  0.14          88499        6 | com.cox-internet.nwib
 0.09  0.05          30632        4 | com.cox-internet.stvl
 0.09  0.05          30632        4 | com.cybervale
 0.02  0.07          45700        1 | com.davedoyle
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | com.ensemsys
 0.28  0.20         127794       12 | com.exactacorp
 0.02  0.08          49434        1 | com.giftservices
 1.08  0.47         303847       46 | com.googlebot
 0.09  0.05          33420        4 |
 0.80  0.97         622427       34 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 2.25  1.35         864620       96 | com.inktomisearch
 0.19  0.34         218042        8 | com.insightbb.client
 0.09  0.03          20169        4 | com.jeppesen
 0.09  0.05          33420        4 | com.krusinski
 0.26  0.21         135618       11 | com.looksmart
 0.28  0.43         273970       12 | com.mchsi.client
 0.09  0.09          55928        4 | com.mellon
 1.52 12.31        7900840       65 | com.mindspring.cable
 0.30  0.44         283133       13 | com.mindspring.dsl
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | com.missvalley
 0.23  0.12          77074       10 | com.naxs.access
 0.09  0.05          30632        4 | com.nbc
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | com.netcraft
 0.33  0.05          28896       14 | com.netvigator
 0.12  0.04          22800        5 | com.npd
 0.07  0.06          37407        3 | com.o1.rev
 0.09  0.09          55928        4 | com.olypen
 0.37  0.04          22979       16 | com.overture.sac
 0.07  0.00           1557        3 | com.picsearch
 0.02  0.07          45700        1 | com.promax
 0.28  0.14          87438       12 |
 0.07  0.06          35337        3 | com.rr.austin
 0.47  0.58         374287       20 |
 0.09  0.09          55928        4 | com.rr.carolina
 0.14  0.17         111555        6 | com.rr.cfl.65.33.251
 0.09  0.05          31934        4 |
 0.09  0.04          27752        4 | com.rr.elp
 0.09  0.05          31934        4 | com.rr.hawaii
 0.02  0.08          49434        1 | com.rr.kc
 0.73  0.32         205096       31 | com.rr.neo
 0.09  0.05          30632        4 |
 0.05  0.04          28840        2 | com.rr.satx
 0.12  0.17         111001        5 |
 0.16  0.15          94181        7 | com.rr.socal
 0.19  0.17         111856        8 | com.rr.stny
 0.19  0.34         218042        8 | com.rr.tampabay.200-68
 0.09  0.05          30632        4 | com.rr.triad
 1.15  1.02         655923       49 | com.rr.wi
 0.09  0.03          19134        4 | com.sctechsystem
 0.49  0.25         158926       21 | com.sears
 0.09  0.09          54723        4 | com.sus
 1.15  1.35         865113       49 | com.teoma
 0.09  0.05          30632        4 |
 0.23  0.34         218238       10 | com.transedge
 0.02  0.00            695        1 |
 0.12  0.05          30812        5 | com.untd.lax
 0.09  0.05          30632        4 |
 0.02  0.04          24935        1 | com.usainkdepot
 0.09  0.13          86066        4 | com.v-one
 0.35  0.48         311258       15 | com.wachovia
 0.02  0.03          20177        1 | com.websense
 0.09  0.09          55928        4 | com.wfg
 0.09  0.03          21528        4 | com.wideopenwest.col
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | com.wideopenwest.try
 0.02  0.00            552        1 | cz.cuni.natur
 0.02  0.00            272        1 | de.heliweb
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | de.htwk-leipzig.sozwes
 0.02  0.08          49434        1 | de.t-online.srv.m2
 0.02  0.08          49434        1 | de.tiscali.tisdip.173.135.54
 0.09  0.13          86066        4 | edu.atu
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | edu.binghamton.johnson
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | edu.calpoly.reshall.sm2-3
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | edu.cau
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | edu.cwru.student
 0.02  0.07          45700        1 | edu.fullerton
 0.02  0.12          78452        1 | edu.indiana.dhcp-149-159
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | edu.msu.user
 0.02  0.00            552        1 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | edu.okstate.dhcp
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | edu.stedwards
 0.02  0.07          45700        1 | edu.tamu.resnet
 0.09  0.13          86066        4 | edu.tenet.isd.san-marcos
 0.02  0.01           3905        1 | edu.ucsb.lsdepts
 0.02  0.12          78452        1 | edu.umass.cs
 0.23  0.12          77074       10 | edu.umes
 0.09  0.05          30632        4 | edu.upmc.chatham
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | edu.uthscsa.v19
 0.02  0.08          49434        1 | edu.vt.dhcp
 0.02  0.03          20177        1 |
 0.05  0.00            360        2 | fr.wanadoo.abo.w81-248
 0.02  0.00            542        1 | fr.wanadoo.abo.w81-251
 0.02  0.03          20177        1 | fr.wanadoo.abo.w81-51
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | fr.wanadoo.abo.w83-112
 0.19  0.34         218042        8 | gov.cdc
 0.07  0.10          67293        3 | gov.usdoj
 0.14  0.05          34263        6 | gr.acn.access.athens
 0.09  0.03          22246        4 | gr.internet.cos
 0.14  0.11          72974        6 |
 0.05  0.04          28840        2 |
 0.05  0.04          28840        2 | it.interbusiness.pool80117
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | it.interbusiness.pool80181
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | it.tele2.cust
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.07  0.00            540        3 |
 0.05  0.00            360        2 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | jp.bbexcite.dy.219.111.126
 0.02  0.03          20177        1 | jp.bbexcite.dy.219.111.79
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | jp.itscom.catv02
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.02  0.00            552        1 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.05  0.00            360        2 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.02  0.07          45700        1 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.02  0.00            552        1 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | jp.or.asahi-net.ppp
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | jp.or.iij4u.p125
 0.21  0.15          96394        9 | jp.or.plala.ap
 0.09  0.05          33420        4 |
 0.77  0.34         219489       33 | mil.nipr
 0.14  0.10          61119        6 | mil.nipr.norfolk
 0.40  0.11          70012       17 |
 0.14  0.25         160175        6 | my.jaring
 0.02  0.00           1286        1 | net.adelphia.atlaga
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | net.adelphia.chvlva
 0.09  0.05          30632        4 | net.adelphia.pbc
 0.02  0.03          20177        1 | net.adelphia.pit
 0.09  0.05          30632        4 | net.algx.customer.z209-95-67
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | net.algx.customer.z248-94-67
 0.05  0.04          28840        2 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | net.alltel.ip.162.39.199
 0.23  0.12          77074       10 | net.alltel.ip.162.39.83
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | net.alltel.ip.67.140.21
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | net.ameritech.bcvloh.dsl
 0.23  0.06          39782       10 | net.ameritech.chcgil.dsl
 0.05  0.00            360        2 | net.ameritech.dytnoh.dsl
 0.37  0.23         148050       16 | net.ameritech.emhril.dsl
 0.05  0.00            360        2 | net.ameritech.ipltin.dsl
 0.14  0.02          13092        6 | net.ameritech.klmzmi.dsl
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | net.ameritech.lgtpmi.dsl
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | net.ameritech.milwwi.dsl
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | net.ameritech.rcfril.dsl
 0.19  0.14          87160        8 | net.ameritech.sfldmi.dsl
 0.07  0.00            540        3 | net.ameritech.wotnoh.dsl
 0.02  0.08          49434        1 | net.arcor-ip
 0.09  0.05          33420        4 |
 0.05  0.07          45880        2 | net.bellsouth.aep
 0.47  0.44         281230       20 | net.bellsouth.asm
 0.02  0.07          45700        1 | net.bellsouth.bct
 0.14  0.14          88499        6 | net.bellsouth.bna
 0.09  0.05          33420        4 | net.bellsouth.cae
 0.09  0.13          86066        4 | net.bellsouth.dab
 0.09  0.03          20969        4 | net.bellsouth.mco
 0.09  0.05          30632        4 | net.bluemarble.dial
 0.19  0.34         218042        8 | net.cableone.cpe
 0.12  0.03          20349        5 | net.cgocable.home
 0.19  0.34         218042        8 | net.chartermi.mi.gha.251.152.236
 0.09  0.06          38610        4 | net.chartertn.midtn
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | net.choiceone.buf
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | net.cnc.dsl.sjc-ca.z205158055
 1.29  0.89         572730       55 |
 0.09  0.00            392        4 |
 0.09  0.04          27752        4 |
 0.21  0.14          87012        9 |
 0.09  0.09          55928        4 |
 0.14  0.25         160175        6 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.09  0.13          86066        4 |
 0.07  0.01           9402        3 |
 0.09  0.05          33420        4 |
 0.09  0.05          33420        4 |
 0.02  0.00            552        1 | net.comodo.research
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | net.covad.dynamic.dnvtco56
 0.05  0.15          95134        2 | net.cox.dl.dl
 0.14  0.13          83408        6 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.02  0.08          49434        1 | net.cox.ok.ok
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | net.ctc.quickclick.50.60.162
 1.12  0.42         271362       48 | net.dialsprint
 0.19  0.03          20561        8 | net.direclynx
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | net.dsl-verizon.evrtwa1
 0.51  0.24         154534       22 | net.dsl-verizon.lsanca1
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | net.dsl-verizon.sea1.sea1-4-5-128-051
 0.02  0.03          20177        1 | net.dxi
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | net.earthlink.dialup.cvx27-bradley
 0.09  0.05          33420        4 | net.eds
 0.09  0.13          86066        4 | net.eircom.waterford.wtd.as1
 0.09  0.05          33420        4 | net.entouch
 0.09  0.11          69971        4 | net.fastres
 0.09  0.03          19134        4 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | net.fuse
 0.23  0.12          77074       10 | net.gci
 0.09  0.03          22246        4 | net.gcinet.
 0.09  0.06          38610        4 | net.gorge.dial
 0.05  0.00            360        2 | net.hinet.hinet-ip
 0.09  0.03          19134        4 | net.hinet.router
 0.02  0.00           1286        1 | net.ij
 0.02  0.08          49434        1 | net.infoave.nclxtn
 0.09  0.04          27752        4 | net.iquest
 0.09  0.05          32659        4 | net.level3
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | net.level3.atlanta1.dial1.242.177.246
 0.14  0.08          53904        6 | net.level3.dallas1.dial1.220.6.30
 0.14  0.09          58259        6 | net.level3.detroit1.dial1.111.217.72
 0.09  0.05          30632        4 | net.level3.detroit1.dial1.39.219.72
 0.09  0.05          30632        4 | net.level3.detroit1.dial1.96.197.72
 0.09  0.04          27752        4 | net.level3.losangeles1.dial1.46.39.73
 0.14  0.10          66585        6 | net.level3.saintlouis1.dial1.199.237.75
 0.44  0.23         149436       19 | net.level3.saintlouis1.dial1.73.234.75
 0.09  0.05          30632        4 | net.level3.saintlouis1.dial1.77.207.75
 0.09  0.04          27752        4 | net.level3.washington1.dial1.115.58.157
 0.07  0.09          54625        3 | net.metrocast
 0.05  0.06          37504        2 | net.myexodus
 0.12  0.13          86246        5 | net.netgate
 0.12  0.04          28306        5 | net.netptc
 0.02  0.03          20177        1 | net.ntcu
 0.21  0.20         128489        9 | net.ntli.server
 0.09  0.13          86066        4 | net.ocps
 0.09  0.05          33420        4 | net.optonline.dyn
 0.07  0.01           9402        3 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | net.pacbell.anhm01.dsl
 0.23  0.38         246241       10 | net.pacbell.ded
 0.47  0.12          78054       20 | net.pacbell.frsn02.dsl
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | net.pacbell.irvnca.dialup
 0.05  0.00            360        2 | net.pacbell.irvnca.dsl
 0.33  0.19         123756       14 | net.pacbell.lsan03.dsl
 0.30  0.07          46140       13 | net.pacbell.pltn13.dsl
 0.07  0.07          46060        3 | net.pacbell.scrm01.dsl
 0.05  0.00            360        2 | net.pacbell.sktn01.dsl
 0.33  0.13          80288       14 | net.pacbell.sndg02.dsl
 0.09  0.05          29200        4 | net.pacbell.snfc21.dsl
 0.12  0.17         109084        5 | net.pacbell.sntc01.dsl
 0.09  0.02           9956        4 | net.paulbunyan.ips
 1.19  0.18         113928       51 | net.popsite.155
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | net.proxad.adsl
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | net.proxad.fbx
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.09  0.03          22246        4 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.14  0.14          88499        6 |
 0.07  0.01           7614        3 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.09  0.05          33420        4 |
 0.09  0.05          30632        4 | net.qwest.desm
 0.07  0.05          29394        3 | net.qwest.mpls
 0.23  0.12          77074       10 | net.qwest.tukw
 0.09  0.09          54805        4 | net.rasserver
 0.09  0.09          55928        4 | net.redwing.dial
 0.14  0.16         101053        6 | net.rima-tde.proxycache.235.3.58
 0.02  0.03          20177        1 | net.rima-tde.proxycache.42.35.58
 0.02  0.03          20177        1 | net.rima-tde.proxycache.44.36.58
 0.02  0.03          20177        1 | net.rima-tde.proxycache.44.47.58
 0.16  0.06          41634        7 | net.saix.tenet
 0.05  0.00            360        2 | net.shawcable.ed
 0.02  0.00            180        1 |
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | net.shawcable.vf
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | net.shawcable.wp
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | net.snet.64.252.117
 0.02  0.00            180        1 | net.snet.64.252.224
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 0.02  0.00            180        1 | pl.wla.wlanet
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