World-Wide Web Access Statistics

Last updated: Mon, 01 Mar 2004 00:55:25 (GMT -0800)

Totals for Summary Period: Feb 1 2004 to Feb 29 2004

Files Transmitted During Summary Period            3286
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period        80754772
Average Files Transmitted Daily                     113
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily                 2784647

Daily Transmission Statistics

%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent     Requests  Date
----- ----- -------------- -------- |------------
 1.95  0.86         695435       64 | Feb  1 2004
 5.08 31.12       25127059      167 | Feb  2 2004
 1.55  0.64         516625       51 | Feb  3 2004
 3.16  1.32        1065733      104 | Feb  4 2004
 2.65  1.13         913231       87 | Feb  5 2004
 2.22  1.28        1035121       73 | Feb  6 2004
 4.23  1.56        1263532      139 | Feb  7 2004
 3.47  1.85        1491858      114 | Feb  8 2004
 4.66  1.45        1171010      153 | Feb  9 2004
 5.48  2.41        1943276      180 | Feb 10 2004
 4.11  1.58        1276480      135 | Feb 11 2004
 6.24 12.01        9701469      205 | Feb 12 2004
 3.96  1.53        1235065      130 | Feb 13 2004
 3.16 18.51       14950039      104 | Feb 14 2004
 3.20  1.21         976898      105 | Feb 15 2004
 5.81  1.81        1463407      191 | Feb 16 2004
 2.56  1.32        1064805       84 | Feb 17 2004
 2.22  0.64         515868       73 | Feb 18 2004
 2.53  1.21         973166       83 | Feb 19 2004
 2.31  0.72         581853       76 | Feb 20 2004
 4.72  5.91        4776507      155 | Feb 21 2004
 2.25  0.55         446540       74 | Feb 22 2004
 3.68  1.55        1253530      121 | Feb 23 2004
 4.35  1.49        1200098      143 | Feb 24 2004
 3.96  1.90        1536628      130 | Feb 25 2004
 2.13  0.91         734750       70 | Feb 26 2004
 2.16  1.08         869488       71 | Feb 27 2004
 3.47  1.43        1154128      114 | Feb 28 2004
 2.74  1.02         821173       90 | Feb 29 2004

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent     Requests  Domain
----- ----- -------------- -------- |------------------------------------
 0.03  0.06          45700        1 | at    Austria
 0.97  1.46        1175640       32 | au    Australia
 0.12  0.04          30632        4 | be    Belgium
 0.06  0.00            722        2 | br    Brazil
 0.09  0.02          14682        3 | bz    Belize
 0.52  0.22         174629       17 | ca    Canada
 0.24  0.14         116698        8 | ch    Switzerland
 0.15  0.03          20723        5 | cr    Costa Rica
 0.15  0.16         126480        5 | cz    Czech Republic
 0.18  0.07          58692        6 | de    Germany
 0.24  0.17         138050        8 | ee    Estonia
 0.18  0.04          30572        6 | fr    France
 0.58  0.15         119640       19 | il    Israel
 0.06  0.04          28840        2 | in    India
 0.03  0.00            180        1 | it    Italy
 1.10  0.32         256010       36 | jp    Japan
 0.40  0.09          70726       13 | nl    Netherlands
 0.24  0.07          56320        8 | nz    New Zealand (Aotearoa)
 0.24  0.07          58384        8 | ph    Philippines
 0.12  0.04          30632        4 | pl    Poland
 0.12  0.04          30632        4 | qa    Qatar
 0.24  0.02          15216        8 | sc    Seychelles
 0.03  0.06          49434        1 | se    Sweden
 0.06  0.00            476        2 | tw    Taiwan
 0.15  0.09          76332        5 | uk    United Kingdom
 0.73  0.47         378092       24 | us    United States
26.05 10.50        8482535      856 | com   US Commercial
 0.85  0.31         251333       28 | edu   US Educational
 0.03  0.00             98        1 | gov   US Government
 0.64  0.20         160501       21 | mil   US Military
36.24 18.93       15285672     1191 | net   Network
 0.27  0.08          66070        9 | org   Non-Profit Organization
28.70 66.09       53370455      943 | unresolved 
 0.15  0.04          33974        5 | 

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent     Requests  Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- -------------- -------- |------------------------------------
28.70 66.09       53370455      943 | Unresolved
 0.03  0.06          45700        1 | at.inode.xdsl-line.dynamic
 0.58  1.14         920654       19 |
 0.03  0.06          49434        1 |
 0.12  0.04          33420        4 |
 0.12  0.11          86066        4 |
 0.12  0.11          86066        4 |
 0.12  0.04          30632        4 | be.skynet.adsl.90-136-217
 0.03  0.00            180        1 |
 0.03  0.00            542        1 |
 0.09  0.02          14682        3 | bz.gwi.zianet113.unused
 0.09  0.07          54625        3 | ca.eastlink.hfx
 0.18  0.08          62260        6 | ca.sympatico
 0.12  0.05          38610        4 | ca.sympatico.ns
 0.12  0.02          19134        4 | ca.sympatico.qc
 0.12  0.04          30632        4 | ch.bluewin.dial.81.62.121
 0.12  0.11          86066        4 | ch.hispeed.dclient
 0.79  0.45         360660       26 | com.alexa
 0.82  0.41         329759       27 |
 6.51  2.28        1839969      214 |
 0.12  0.04          32470        4 | com.arilion
 0.03  0.00            560        1 | com.atriks
 0.21  0.15         123887        7 | com.attbi.client2.atl
 0.30  0.10          77074       10 |
 0.15  0.07          56224        5 |
 0.40  0.12          98359       13 |
 0.21  0.09          76153        7 | com.attbi.client2.we
 0.61  0.31         249808       20 |
 0.12  0.07          55928        4 | com.caithnessenergy
 0.09  0.07          54625        3 |
 0.12  0.04          31934        4 |
 0.03  0.02          18346        1 | com.comodogroup
 0.03  0.02          18346        1 | com.coolsavings
 0.06  0.10          79738        2 | com.corecomm.cmh01
 0.03  0.06          49434        1 | com.covad
 0.12  0.03          21528        4 | com.cox-internet.susp
 0.12  0.23         185744        4 | com.direcpc
 0.12  0.11          86066        4 | com.fulbright
 0.09  0.00           1620        3 | com.gigablast
 0.03  0.00            180        1 | com.gmicable
 0.76  0.13         106067       25 | com.googlebot
 1.16  0.81         657412       38 |
 0.15  0.04          33974        5 |
 1.55  0.62         503545       51 | com.inktomisearch
 0.03  0.00            180        1 | com.ksweb-jp
 0.12  0.04          32470        4 | com.lmco.external
 0.70  0.06          50776       23 | com.looksmart
 0.03  0.02          20177        1 | com.marketscore.ia3
 0.12  0.03          21528        4 | com.mchsi.client
 0.24  0.05          42004        8 | com.mindspring.cable
 0.33  0.19         150319       11 | com.mindspring.dialup
 0.64  0.10          78888       21 | com.mindspring.dsl
 0.12  0.07          53314        4 | com.missvalley
 0.03  0.00            180        1 | com.netcraft
 0.09  0.01           9402        3 | com.netvigator
 0.24  0.13         107594        8 | com.netzero.dial.lsan
 0.12  0.04          33420        4 | com.newtel
 0.12  0.04          30632        4 | com.o1.rev
 0.03  0.00            180        1 | com.ono.user
 1.10  0.14         116164       36 | com.overture.sac
 0.15  0.04          36217        5 | com.picsearch
 0.12  0.11          86066        4 |
 0.12  0.04          33420        4 |
 0.03  0.00            180        1 |
 0.12  0.02          20169        4 |
 0.88  0.56         455498       29 |
 0.03  0.02          20177        1 | com.rr.austin
 0.55  0.16         128832       18 |
 0.30  0.08          61906       10 | com.rr.carolina
 0.12  0.04          33420        4 | com.rr.columbus
 0.61  0.19         154148       20 |
 0.46  0.27         219113       15 | com.rr.kc
 0.18  0.19         153846        6 | com.rr.maine
 0.12  0.02          20169        4 | com.rr.rgv
 0.15  0.03          26241        5 |
 0.12  0.07          53314        4 | com.rr.tampabay
 0.12  0.04          31934        4 | com.rr.woh
 0.03  0.02          18346        1 | com.servstream
 0.12  0.04          33420        4 | com.sprintsvc
 0.12  0.04          32659        4 | com.sssnet
 0.03  0.00            180        1 | com.telia
 1.22  0.83         673701       40 | com.teoma
 0.12  0.03          22246        4 | com.timothychristian
 0.30  0.10          77074       10 | com.tir.rochester
 0.12  0.02          19134        4 |
 0.70  0.14         116590       23 | com.untd.lax
 0.12  0.03          24477        4 | com.visi.mpls
 0.12  0.04          33420        4 | com.washpost
 0.15  0.03          20723        5 |
 0.12  0.10          77046        4 | cz.cuni.natur
 0.03  0.06          49434        1 | cz.mistral
 0.03  0.02          18346        1 | de.hansenet.adsl
 0.12  0.02          20169        4 | de.pppool.d
 0.03  0.02          20177        1 | de.t-ipconnect.dip0
 0.15  0.04          28294        5 | edu.apu
 0.15  0.03          25019        5 | edu.cedarville
 0.03  0.00            180        1 | edu.clemson.lee
 0.03  0.00            180        1 | edu.msu.user
 0.12  0.07          55928        4 | edu.princeton
 0.12  0.04          33420        4 | edu.swarthmore.mary-lyon01
 0.12  0.11          86066        4 | edu.tuskegee
 0.12  0.03          22246        4 | edu.uwrf.dllabs
 0.03  0.02          18346        1 |
 0.03  0.06          45700        1 | ee.elion
 0.03  0.06          45700        1 | ee.estpak
 0.03  0.00            552        1 | ee.estpak.lsn
 0.12  0.03          27752        4 | ee.tartu
 0.06  0.04          28840        2 | fr.noos.net81-67-147
 0.03  0.00            180        1 |
 0.03  0.00            180        1 | fr.wanadoo.abo.w80-13
 0.03  0.00            542        1 | fr.wanadoo.abo.w80-14
 0.03  0.00            830        1 | fr.wanadoo.abo.w81-249
 0.03  0.00             98        1 | gov.usdoj
 0.58  0.15         119640       19 |
 0.06  0.04          28840        2 |
 0.03  0.00            180        1 | it.interbusiness.pool21345
 0.03  0.00            180        1 |
 0.03  0.00            180        1 |
 0.03  0.00            180        1 |
 0.03  0.00            180        1 |
 0.03  0.00            180        1 |
 0.24  0.11          86458        8 |
 0.03  0.06          49434        1 |
 0.12  0.11          86066        4 | jp.go.tao.ed.miyagi
 0.03  0.00            180        1 | jp.itscom.catv01
 0.03  0.00            180        1 | jp.itscom.catv02
 0.03  0.00            180        1 |
 0.12  0.04          30632        4 |
 0.03  0.00            180        1 |
 0.03  0.00            180        1 |
 0.03  0.00            180        1 |
 0.03  0.00            180        1 |
 0.03  0.00            180        1 |
 0.03  0.00            180        1 |
 0.06  0.00            360        2 |
 0.03  0.00            180        1 |
 0.06  0.00            360        2 | jp.or.plala.ap
 0.12  0.04          33420        4 |
 0.12  0.04          33420        4 |
 0.27  0.09          72692        9 |
 0.12  0.03          20969        4 | mil.nipr
 0.12  0.11          86066        4 | net.adelphia.anhmca
 0.24  0.13         107594        8 | net.adelphia.bflony
 0.12  0.04          33420        4 | net.adelphia.clspco
 0.94  0.25         199343       31 | net.adelphia.clvdoh
 0.15  0.04          33974        5 | net.adelphia.losaca
 0.12  0.03          24477        4 | net.algx.cvx
 0.27  0.09          73085        9 | net.alltel.ip.139.55.81
 0.40  0.13         106240       13 | net.alltel.ip.162.39.186
 0.03  0.00            180        1 | net.ameritech.applwi.dialup
 0.06  0.00            360        2 | net.ameritech.chcgil.dsl
 0.03  0.00            180        1 | net.ameritech.clevoh.dsl
 0.12  0.11          86066        4 | net.ameritech.covlil.dsl
 0.15  0.11          86246        5 | net.ameritech.ded
 0.30  0.07          56026       10 | net.ameritech.emhril.dsl
 0.03  0.00            180        1 | net.ameritech.ipltin.dialup
 0.06  0.00            360        2 | net.ameritech.ipltin.dsl
 0.12  0.01           6726        4 | net.ameritech.klmzmi.dsl
 0.09  0.06          46060        3 | net.ameritech.sfldmi.dsl
 0.15  0.09          74992        5 | net.arcor-ip
 0.12  0.11          86066        4 | net.asianetcom
 0.40  0.20         158886       13 | net.ausat
 0.73  0.35         281934       24 | net.bbtec
 0.70  0.35         282563       23 | net.bellsouth.asm
 0.12  0.04          33420        4 | net.bellsouth.bna
 0.43  0.12          97489       14 | net.bellsouth.ilm
 0.12  0.04          33420        4 | net.bellsouth.jax
 0.12  0.03          27752        4 | net.bellsouth.rdu
 0.12  0.04          33420        4 | net.bellsouth.sav
 0.49  0.35         279214       16 | net.cableone.cpe
 0.03  0.00            296        1 | net.cantv.dsl.olv.dslam-01-11-15-01-1-01
 0.24  0.05          37708        8 | net.centurytel.ka
 0.21  0.09          71322        7 | net.cgocable.home
 0.12  0.03          22246        4 |
 0.12  0.02          20169        4 | net.charterpipeline.mpk-mres
 0.03  0.06          49434        1 | net.charterpipeline.pas-eres
 0.15  0.04          33962        5 | net.coastalnow
 0.03  0.00            580        1 |
 0.12  0.03          27752        4 |
 1.43  0.42         337313       47 |
 0.03  0.06          45700        1 |
 0.30  0.04          34008       10 |
 0.82  0.21         167233       27 |
 0.12  0.11          86066        4 |
 0.12  0.04          33420        4 |
 0.03  0.06          49434        1 |
 0.12  0.04          33420        4 |
 0.12  0.03          27752        4 |
 0.12  0.02          20169        4 |
 0.12  0.02          20169        4 | net.covad.dynamic.chcgilgm
 0.12  0.03          27752        4 | net.covad.dynamic.mclnva23
 0.12  0.04          30632        4 | net.covad.sfldmidn
 0.12  0.04          33420        4 |
 0.37  0.34         273970       12 |
 0.06  0.12          95134        2 | net.cox.dl.dl
 0.12  0.04          33420        4 |
 0.12  0.03          22246        4 |
 0.12  0.02          19134        4 |
 0.12  0.03          27752        4 | net.cox.oc.oc
 0.40  0.11          92358       13 |
 0.03  0.00            552        1 | net.dadeschools
 0.09  0.01           4265        3 | net.dialsprint
 0.03  0.00            180        1 | net.dsl-verizon
 0.12  0.11          86066        4 | net.dsl-verizon.chcgil2
 0.03  0.06          45700        1 | net.dsl-verizon.tmp1.tmp1-4-8-080-144
 0.03  0.00            180        1 | net.dsl-verizon.washdc3
 0.03  0.06          49434        1 | net.dsl.client
 0.09  0.01           7614        3 | net.dtccom
 0.03  0.02          20177        1 | net.dxi
 0.30  0.09          75243       10 | net.earthlink.dialup.cvx24-bradley
 1.31  1.62        1308450       43 | net.ev1
 0.12  0.02          19134        4 | net.focaldata
 0.12  0.07          55928        4 |
 0.33  0.09          75423       11 | net.fuse
 0.06  0.06          46252        2 | net.gaoland.rev.39-62.130
 0.03  0.06          49434        1 | net.gte.
 0.12  0.04          31934        4 | net.interventusa
 0.24  0.07          56320        8 | net.iowatelecom.dialup
 0.12  0.03          27752        4 | net.kiva.newc
 0.09  0.05          37821        3 | net.knology
 0.30  0.09          75243       10 | net.level3.atlanta1.dial1.183.150.75
 0.12  0.04          32470        4 | net.level3.boston1.dial1.148.16.75
 0.24  0.27         218042        8 | net.level3.chicago1.dial1.29.168.73
 0.03  0.00            180        1 | net.level3.phoenix1.dial1.209.19.75
 0.12  0.04          33420        4 | net.level3.saintlouis1.dial1.100.206.75
 0.12  0.04          33420        4 | net.level3.saintlouis1.dial1.23.173.56
 0.64  0.52         420564       21 | net.level3.saltlakecity1.dial1.177.102.25
 0.12  0.05          38610        4 | net.level3.sanjose1.dial1.253.122.30
 0.03  0.00            180        1 | net.level3.seattle1.dial1.51.110.26
 0.03  0.02          20177        1 | net.mcbone
 0.12  0.04          30632        4 | net.mts.dynamic
 0.15  0.04          33974        5 | net.netgate
 0.21  0.31         247065        7 | net.ntcu
 0.12  0.11          86066        4 | net.ntli.server
 0.27  0.19         154012        9 | net.optonline.dyn
 1.03  0.18         148137       34 | net.pacbell.frsn01.dsl
 0.09  0.00            540        3 | net.pacbell.irvnca.dsl
 1.13  0.32         259051       37 | net.pacbell.lsan03.dsl
 0.12  0.04          31934        4 | net.pacbell.pltn13.dsl
 0.49  0.20         159585       16 | net.pacbell.snfc21.dsl
 0.21  0.17         140929        7 | net.pisp
 2.62  0.64         518700       86 | net.popsite.155
 0.27  0.21         172312        9 | net.proxad.dial
 0.12  0.11          86066        4 | net.prserv.mis
 0.12  0.04          32470        4 | net.ptd.ovr.cmts.64.212.229
 0.24  0.03          20561        8 | net.ptsi
 0.30  0.09          75243       10 | net.qwest
 0.09  0.01           7614        3 |
 0.03  0.00            180        1 |
 0.43  0.16         127084       14 |
 0.12  0.02          20169        4 | net.qwest.sttl
 1.13  0.63         507488       37 | net.rasserver
 0.12  0.02          20169        4 | net.reyrey
 0.03  0.02          18346        1 | net.rima-tde.proxycache.170.3.58
 0.24  0.27         218042        8 | net.rima-tde.proxycache.170.50.58
 0.03  0.02          18346        1 | net.rima-tde.proxycache.172.13.58
 0.03  0.00            580        1 | net.rima-tde.proxycache.235.32.58
 0.03  0.02          20177        1 | net.rima-tde.proxycache.42.3.58
 0.03  0.00            580        1 | net.rima-tde.proxycache.42.46.58
 1.34  4.15        3352600       44 |
 0.03  0.00            180        1 | net.shawcable.rd
 0.12  0.03          21528        4 |
 0.03  0.00            180        1 | net.shawcable.vf
 0.03  0.00            180        1 |
 0.18  0.04          28890        6 | net.sify.maa
 0.03  0.00            180        1 | net.snet.adsl
 0.03  0.00            180        1 | net.snet.adsl.253.130.37
 0.03  0.00            180        1 | net.snet.adsl.97.82.0
 0.09  0.05          37821        3 | net.sprint-hsd.fl.net272
 0.73  0.04          32592       24 | net.sprint-hsd.oh.net198
 0.37  0.10          80740       12 | net.sprint-hsd.oh.net939
 0.12  0.04          33420        4 | net.swbell.austtx.dsl
 0.73  0.18         147200       24 | net.swbell.cust-rtr
 1.16  0.34         272975       38 | net.swbell.hstntx.dsl
 0.24  0.13         106783        8 | net.swbell.rcsntx.dsl
 0.73  0.22         177347       24 | net.swbell.snantx.dsl
 0.03  0.00            180        1 | net.swbell.tulsok.dsl
 0.30  0.04          31890       10 | net.t-dialin.dip
 0.03  0.00            180        1 | net.telepacific.cust
 0.15  0.03          25031        5 | net.telstra.cache
 0.18  0.11          88499        6 | net.telus.abhsia
 0.03  0.00            556        1 | net.telus.cp
 0.03  0.06          49434        1 | net.telus.hsia.bc
 0.12  0.07          55928        4 | net.triton.104
 0.24  0.18         141842        8 | net.twtelecom.gen
 0.03  0.06          49434        1 | net.unitedcentral
 0.03  0.00            830        1 | net.uslec.cust
 0.18  0.11          88499        6 |
 0.12  0.04          30632        4 |
 0.12  0.03          21528        4 | net.verizon.east.balt
 0.06  0.04          28840        2 | net.verizon.east.bos
 0.12  0.04          30632        4 | net.verizon.east.delv
 0.33  0.27         218336       11 | net.verizon.east.norf
 0.06  0.00            360        2 | net.verizon.east.nwrk
 0.03  0.00            180        1 | net.verizon.east.port
 0.12  0.03          27752        4 | net.webshoppe
 0.03  0.00            180        1 |
 0.03  0.00            542        1 | nl.a2000
 0.09  0.01           6546        3 | nl.hccnet.dsl
 0.15  0.03          23076        5 | nl.planet.speed
 0.09  0.01           7614        3 | nl.wanadoo.adsl
 0.03  0.04          32948        1 | nl.xs4all
 0.24  0.07          56320        8 |
 0.12  0.04          33420        4 | org.chi-caritas
 0.03  0.00            180        1 | org.rodaleinstitutestore
 0.12  0.04          32470        4 | org.sfotusa
 0.12  0.04          30632        4 |
 0.12  0.03          27752        4 |
 0.12  0.04          30632        4 | pl.tpnet.ppp.cvx.lomza
 0.12  0.04          30632        4 |
 0.24  0.02          15216        8 | sc.whois
 0.03  0.06          49434        1 | se.taby.ava
 0.03  0.00            180        1 |
 0.03  0.00            296        1 |
 0.12  0.04          30632        4 |
 0.03  0.06          45700        1 |
 0.12  0.05          38610        4 |
 0.12  0.04          30632        4 |
 0.12  0.11          86066        4 |
 0.03  0.06          49434        1 | us.captiveimage
 0.12  0.04          32659        4 |
 0.12  0.11          86066        4 |
 0.09  0.07          54625        3 |

Total Transfers from each Archive Section

%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent     Requests  Archive Section
----- ----- -------------- -------- |------------------------------------
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 0.09  0.00           1993        3 | Code 400 Bad Requests
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 5.96  0.13         104478      196 | Code 404 Not Found Requests
 0.09  0.00           2490        3 | Code 501 Not Implemented Requests
 0.12  0.10          77046        4 | http:/
 7.24  2.25        1816918      238 | index.html

This summary was generated by wwwstat-1.0.2