World-Wide Web Access Statistics

Last updated: Thu, 01 Jan 2004 00:42:02 (GMT -0800)

Totals for Summary Period: Dec 1 2003 to Dec 31 2003

Files Transmitted During Summary Period            3625
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period        83382665
Average Files Transmitted Daily                     117
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily                 2689763

Daily Transmission Statistics

%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent     Requests  Date
----- ----- -------------- -------- |------------
 3.31  1.94        1617203      120 | Dec  1 2003
 2.10  0.92         768464       76 | Dec  2 2003
 3.06  1.56        1299515      111 | Dec  3 2003
 2.70  1.60        1336850       98 | Dec  4 2003
 3.03  1.29        1073178      110 | Dec  5 2003
 3.14  1.82        1518451      114 | Dec  6 2003
 3.45 17.70       14755999      125 | Dec  7 2003
 6.23  3.60        3005052      226 | Dec  8 2003
 3.06  3.49        2908593      111 | Dec  9 2003
 6.07 12.23       10194507      220 | Dec 10 2003
 4.58  1.28        1068773      166 | Dec 11 2003
 3.59  1.89        1575957      130 | Dec 12 2003
 1.82  0.63         529322       66 | Dec 13 2003
 2.07  1.02         850118       75 | Dec 14 2003
 3.45  1.69        1408825      125 | Dec 15 2003
 2.46  0.76         636478       89 | Dec 16 2003
 4.25  1.28        1065877      154 | Dec 17 2003
 8.30 11.51        9598193      301 | Dec 18 2003
 3.48  9.24        7700642      126 | Dec 19 2003
 1.49  0.67         561261       54 | Dec 20 2003
 1.27  0.60         502233       46 | Dec 21 2003
 2.68  1.02         847382       97 | Dec 22 2003
 2.34  0.86         717726       85 | Dec 23 2003
 1.24  0.79         654646       45 | Dec 24 2003
 2.32  0.92         766739       84 | Dec 25 2003
 3.23  1.43        1192792      117 | Dec 26 2003
 3.50 13.34       11121747      127 | Dec 27 2003
 1.93  0.86         714012       70 | Dec 28 2003
 2.29  1.10         920042       83 | Dec 29 2003
 3.09  1.28        1066670      112 | Dec 30 2003
 4.47  1.69        1405418      162 | Dec 31 2003

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent     Requests  Domain
----- ----- -------------- -------- |------------------------------------
 0.22  0.19         161160        8 | at    Austria
 1.60  0.75         627225       58 | au    Australia
 0.69  0.24         198787       25 | be    Belgium
 0.11  0.03          27752        4 | br    Brazil
 1.88  1.15         959700       68 | ca    Canada
 0.11  0.10          86066        4 | cr    Costa Rica
 0.25  0.14         118716        9 | de    Germany
 0.03  0.05          45700        1 | dk    Denmark
 0.08  0.10          84690        3 | ee    Estonia
 0.03  0.00            296        1 | es    Spain
 0.03  0.00            552        1 | fi    Finland
 0.11  0.04          29574        4 | fr    France
 0.36  0.19         160861       13 | gr    Greece
 0.11  0.10          86066        4 | il    Israel
 0.11  0.00           2018        4 | it    Italy
 0.14  0.19         154282        5 | jp    Japan
 0.06  0.00            806        2 | mx    Mexico
 0.22  0.22         183688        8 | nl    Netherlands
 0.36  0.12         100101       13 | nz    New Zealand (Aotearoa)
 0.03  0.06          49434        1 | pl    Poland
 0.19  0.02          14666        7 | sc    Seychelles
 0.17  0.19         160435        6 | se    Sweden
 0.11  0.04          33420        4 | sg    Singapore
 0.17  0.03          24719        6 | tt    Trinidad and Tobago
 0.99  0.39         321493       36 | uk    United Kingdom
 0.61  0.50         417084       22 | us    United States
31.37 32.92       27449326     1137 | com   US Commercial
 1.08  0.53         443268       39 | edu   US Educational
 1.43  2.54        2118857       52 | gov   US Government
 0.08  0.05          37821        3 | mil   US Military
30.92 46.02       38375981     1121 | net   Network
 0.36  0.14         120708       13 | org   Non-Profit Organization
26.01 12.94       10787413      943 | unresolved 

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent     Requests  Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- -------------- -------- |------------------------------------
26.01 12.94       10787413      943 | Unresolved
 0.03  0.05          45700        1 | at.surfer.vie.11.8
 0.06  0.03          28840        2 | at.surfer.vie.15.12
 0.14  0.10          86620        5 | at.telekom.highway.dipool
 0.08  0.01           7614        3 |
 0.11  0.07          55928        4 |
 0.28  0.09          75243       10 |
 0.11  0.10          86066        4 |
 0.14  0.13         111001        5 |
 0.88  0.35         291373       32 |
 0.11  0.02          20169        4 | be.skynet.adsl.197-201-80
 0.58  0.21         178618       21 | be.tiscali
 0.11  0.03          27752        4 |
 0.22  0.10          80143        8 | ca.sympatico
 1.41  1.00         834511       51 | ca.sympatico.qc
 0.25  0.05          45046        9 |
 0.99  0.58         486707       36 | com.alexa
 0.44  0.13         111332       16 |
 5.49  1.84        1536535      199 |
 0.11  0.10          86066        4 | com.ark
 0.22  0.16         134751        8 | com.attbi.client
 0.11  0.04          30632        4 |
 0.19  0.05          38246        7 |
 0.08  0.07          54625        3 |
 0.06  0.11          91400        2 | com.attbi.client2.we
 0.22  0.03          28885        8 |
 0.11  0.03          27752        4 | com.btcentralplus.range217-42
 0.11  0.10          86066        4 | com.btcentralplus.range217-43
 0.55  0.14         117580       20 | com.btcentralplus.range217-44
 0.06  0.12          98868        2 |
 0.03  0.02          16910        1 | com.bulldogdsl
 1.38  0.32         270055       50 | com.charter-stl.104.78.217
 0.11  0.02          19134        4 | com.charter.wi.wb
 0.11  0.02          19134        4 | com.cox-internet.rsvl
 0.17  0.15         122853        6 | com.cwjamaica
 0.11  0.04          33420        4 |
 0.11  0.04          33420        4 | com.dt
 0.08  0.05          41916        3 | com.exabot
 0.11  0.04          33420        4 | com.gateway
 1.38  0.63         527520       50 | com.googlebot
 1.49  1.05         874539       54 |
 2.90  0.83         695716      105 | com.inktomisearch
 0.63  0.13         105639       23 | com.insightbb.client
 0.11  0.03          27752        4 | com.integrity
 1.08 10.21        8514365       39 | com.isomedia
 0.11  0.10          86066        4 | com.jetstreamwireless.phx
 0.80  0.35         291900       29 | com.looksmart
 0.11  0.04          33420        4 | com.milwpc
 0.06  0.02          17090        2 | com.netcraft
 2.84 11.04        9204072      103 | com.netpathway
 0.08  0.05          37821        3 | com.netzero.dial.phnx
 0.11  0.04          33420        4 | com.ntl.cable.cmbg
 0.11  0.04          33420        4 | com.o1.rev
 0.08  0.05          37821        3 | com.okfoods
 0.14  0.13         111001        5 | com.pipex.dsl
 0.03  0.00            180        1 | com.quantum-tech
 1.21  0.21         174343       44 |
 0.14  0.07          55654        5 |
 0.11  0.02          20169        4 |
 0.03  0.00            272        1 |
 1.35  0.40         331165       49 | com.rr.carolina
 0.11  0.10          86066        4 | com.rr.cfl.24.165.243
 0.03  0.05          45700        1 | com.rr.columbus
 0.11  0.04          33420        4 | com.rr.hawaii
 0.08  0.12          99420        3 | com.rr.maine
 0.11  0.04          33420        4 | com.rr.midsouth
 0.19  0.17         140691        7 |
 0.11  0.04          33420        4 | com.rr.neo
 0.22  0.21         170944        8 | com.rr.nycap
 0.14  0.06          50330        5 | com.rr.satx
 0.11  0.03          24477        4 |
 0.14  0.04          33972        5 | com.rr.socal
 0.69  0.19         155123       25 | com.rr.tampabay.200-68
 0.36  0.12         100814       13 | com.rr.triad
 0.11  0.06          53314        4 | com.rr.twmi
 0.11  0.06          53314        4 | com.rr.wi
 0.33  0.12         100138       12 |
 0.06  0.00            846        2 | com.sonicwall
 0.06  0.00           4085        2 |
 2.32  1.77        1475072       84 | com.teoma
 0.03  0.00            180        1 | com.vasoftware
 0.11  0.03          21528        4 | com.wideopenwest.col
 0.11  0.10          86066        4 |
 0.03  0.00            180        1 | de.hansenet.adsl
 0.11  0.04          32470        4 | de.netcologne
 0.11  0.10          86066        4 | de.t-ipconnect.dip0
 0.03  0.05          45700        1 | dk.cybercity.adsl.ds1-noe
 0.11  0.03          27752        4 | edu.baylor
 0.11  0.04          32470        4 | edu.bia.sasi
 0.17  0.19         160175        6 | edu.cccb
 0.11  0.03          21599        4 | edu.cedarville
 0.11  0.02          20169        4 | edu.ksu.lib
 0.11  0.02          20169        4 | edu.marist.p-pool
 0.06  0.02          17462        2 | edu.ufl.xlate
 0.11  0.03          22246        4 | edu.umass.dialup
 0.03  0.06          49434        1 | edu.umb.econ
 0.03  0.06          49434        1 |
 0.03  0.00            830        1 | edu.upenn.wharton
 0.11  0.03          21528        4 | edu.wvnet.pat.wvlc
 0.06  0.08          66344        2 | ee.auv
 0.03  0.02          18346        1 |
 0.03  0.00            296        1 | es.upc
 0.03  0.00            552        1 | fi.inet.dial
 0.08  0.04          29394        3 | fr.wanadoo.abo.w80-14
 0.03  0.00            180        1 | fr.wanadoo.abo.w81-249
 1.43  2.54        2118857       52 | gov.usdoj
 0.36  0.19         160861       13 | gr.forthnet.ath
 0.11  0.10          86066        4 |
 0.03  0.00            296        1 | it.interbusiness.pool21758
 0.08  0.00           1722        3 | it.interbusiness.pool80116
 0.03  0.05          45700        1 |
 0.03  0.00            272        1 |
 0.03  0.05          45700        1 |
 0.03  0.05          45700        1 |
 0.03  0.02          16910        1 |
 0.08  0.05          37821        3 | mil.nipr
 0.03  0.00            534        1 |
 0.03  0.00            272        1 |
 0.03  0.02          18346        1 | net.adelphia.anhmca
 0.11  0.04          33420        4 | net.adelphia.buf
 0.36  0.39         329043       13 | net.adelphia.chvlva
 0.94  8.08        6733382       34 | net.adelphia.pbc
 0.08  0.05          37821        3 | net.adelphia.vnnyca
 0.11  0.04          33420        4 | net.airmail.cidr.ce42.02
 0.14  0.14         120178        5 | net.algx.cvx
 0.33  0.26         218434       12 | net.ameritech.applwi.dsl
 0.22  0.08          64052        8 | net.ameritech.chcgil.dsl
 0.61  0.21         177222       22 | net.ameritech.klmzmi.dsl
 0.11  0.03          27752        4 | net.ameritech.lgnnmi.dsl
 0.22  0.05          39002        8 | net.ameritech.milwwi.dsl
 0.06  0.12          98868        2 |
 0.22  0.08          66840        8 |
 0.11  0.04          33420        4 | net.att.dial-access.nj.mercerville-04rh16rt
 0.11  0.04          33420        4 | net.att.dial-access.nj.mercerville-44-45rs
 0.03  0.05          45700        1 | net.att.dsl.sttlwane.sttl.suca
 0.11  0.04          33420        4 | net.bellsouth.ags
 0.11  0.05          38610        4 | net.bellsouth.ard
 0.11  0.04          33420        4 | net.bellsouth.asm
 0.11  0.06          53314        4 | net.bellsouth.bna
 0.11  0.06          53314        4 | net.bellsouth.mem
 0.11  0.04          33420        4 | net.bellsouth.msy
 0.41  4.56        3805230       15 |
 0.25  0.09          72210        9 | net.cableone.cpe
 0.11  0.03          24477        4 |
 0.03  0.00            180        1 | net.cgocable.home
 0.11  0.04          33420        4 | net.chartermi.mi.gha.141.146.231
 0.22  0.07          57897        8 | net.charterwv
 0.11  0.03          24477        4 | net.cinergycom
 0.03  0.00            180        1 | net.cnc.dsl.sjc-ca.z064220179
 0.33  0.08          66172       12 | net.coastalnow
 0.63  0.29         245135       23 |
 0.11  0.02          20169        4 |
 0.03  0.00            542        1 |
 0.03  0.00            830        1 |
 0.11  0.02          20169        4 |
 0.11  0.04          33420        4 |
 0.36  0.19         158886       13 |
 0.14  0.03          22800        5 |
 0.11  0.04          33420        4 |
 0.03  0.00            272        1 | net.covad.miatflad
 0.03  0.00            272        1 | net.covad.nycmny83
 0.08  0.01           9402        3 | net.cox.dc.dc
 0.03  0.06          49434        1 | net.cox.dl.dl
 0.11  0.02          20169        4 |
 0.25  0.08          67020        9 |
 0.06  0.03          28840        2 | net.cox.oc.oc
 0.44  0.10          87242       16 | net.cox.oc.pv
 0.11  0.03          24477        4 | net.cox.ok.ks
 0.11  0.05          38610        4 |
 0.11  0.03          27752        4 | net.cox.ri.ri
 0.33  0.07          54781       12 |
 0.11  0.02          19134        4 | net.cstone.hfx
 0.11  0.03          22246        4 | net.dsl-verizon.evrtwa1
 0.19  0.13         112105        7 | net.dsl.client
 0.06  0.02          18149        2 | net.earthlink.neteng
 0.11  0.04          30632        4 | net.earthlink.pas.accel
 0.11  0.10          86066        4 |
 0.11  0.03          21528        4 | net.eircom.dublin.pal.as1
 0.11  0.07          55928        4 | net.epix.svcr.dsl
 0.11  0.06          53314        4 |
 1.13  0.07          60247       41 | net.fastsearch.sac2
 0.11  0.10          86066        4 | net.frontiernet.wv.blu.bras01
 0.11  0.07          55928        4 | net.fuse
 0.11  0.04          33420        4 | net.grandecom.dyn
 0.03  0.02          16910        1 | net.gte.
 0.11  0.04          32470        4 | net.level3.seattle.dial1.181.28.26
 0.11  0.04          33420        4 | net.level3.seattle.dial1.34.204.75
 0.39  0.16         131171       14 |
 0.17  0.11          88499        6 | net.ntli.server
 0.03  0.00            272        1 | net.onecall
 2.10  0.46         385739       76 | net.optonline.dyn
 0.03  0.00            534        1 |
 0.08  0.07          54625        3 | net.pacbell.bkfd14.dsl
 0.33  0.30         251462       12 | net.pacbell.lsan03.dsl
 0.06  0.03          28840        2 | net.pacbell.pltn13.dsl
 0.06  0.04          32341        2 | net.pacbell.snfc21.dsl
 7.09  0.66         547678      257 | net.popsite.155
 0.11  0.05          38610        4 | net.proxad.adsl
 0.03  0.02          16910        1 | net.ptd.tv13.cmts.14.44.238
 0.11  0.03          24477        4 |
 0.11  0.03          27752        4 |
 0.03  0.00            554        1 |
 0.11  0.03          22246        4 |
 1.82 24.27       20235849       66 | net.rasserver
 0.06  0.03          28840        2 | net.rima-tde.proxycache.170.23.58
 0.14  0.18         146619        5 | net.rima-tde.proxycache.172.33.58
 0.03  0.02          18346        1 | net.ruraltel
 0.11  0.10          86066        4 | net.saix
 0.11  0.04          33420        4 | net.shawcable.ed
 0.11  0.06          53314        4 | net.snet
 0.11  0.04          33420        4 | net.snet.adsl.131.126.37
 0.03  0.06          49434        1 | net.spider007
 0.14  0.13         111001        5 | net.sprint-canada.dialup
 0.14  0.04          33974        5 |
 0.11  0.03          20969        4 | net.swbell.austtx.dsl
 0.28  0.09          75243       10 | net.swbell.lbcktx.dsl
 0.19  0.11          88597        7 | net.swbell.okcyok.dialup
 0.06  0.06          49706        2 | net.swbell.rcsntx.dsl
 0.11  0.10          86066        4 | net.swbell.snantx.dsl
 0.11  0.10          86066        4 | net.swbell.stlsmo.dsl
 0.11  0.02          20169        4 | net.swbell.tpkaks.dsl
 0.11  0.04          33420        4 | net.swbell.wacotx.dsl
 0.11  0.10          86066        4 | net.syntax
 0.25  0.02          20323        9 | net.t-dialin.dip
 0.08  0.05          37821        3 | net.tds.ptbyny
 1.57  0.35         291595       57 | net.telus.bchsia
 0.11  0.04          33420        4 | net.telus.dial
 0.03  0.06          49434        1 | net.telus.hsia.bc
 0.03  0.05          45700        1 | net.unitedcentral
 0.11  0.04          33420        4 |
 0.11  0.04          33420        4 |
 0.11  0.05          38375        4 | net.uu.da.wv.huntington.tnt1
 0.11  0.10          86066        4 | net.verizon.east.bos
 0.25  0.18         146948        9 |
 0.11  0.04          30632        4 | net.verizon.east.ny325
 0.11  0.04          32470        4 | net.verizon.east.pitt
 0.52  0.11          88605       19 | net.verizon.east.port
 0.11  0.02          20169        4 |
 0.11  0.10          86066        4 | net.webtv.bay
 0.11  0.04          32470        4 |
 0.11  0.10          86066        4 | net.yhti
 0.11  0.04          33420        4 | net.zoominternet
 0.06  0.12          96798        2 | nl.a2000
 0.14  0.10          86338        5 | nl.demon
 0.03  0.00            552        1 | nl.iae.adsl
 0.36  0.12         100101       13 |
 0.14  0.04          33974        5 | org.htcnet
 0.11  0.04          33420        4 | org.juf
 0.11  0.06          53314        4 | org.sdps
 0.03  0.06          49434        1 | pl.tpnet.adsl.neoplus
 0.19  0.02          14666        7 | sc.whois
 0.14  0.13         111001        5 | se.bredbandsbolaget.cust
 0.03  0.06          49434        1 | se.comhem.bredband
 0.11  0.04          33420        4 |
 0.17  0.03          24719        6 |
 0.11  0.02          19134        4 |
 0.14  0.04          31186        5 |
 0.03  0.06          49434        1 |
 0.11  0.02          20169        4 |
 0.11  0.02          20169        4 |
 0.28  0.09          73807       10 |
 0.11  0.03          21528        4 |
 0.11  0.10          86066        4 | uk.nhs.n-i
 0.22  0.26         218042        8 |
 0.11  0.03          24477        4 |
 0.11  0.10          86066        4 |
 0.17  0.11          88499        6 | us.oh.k12.esu.noeca

Total Transfers from each Archive Section

%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent     Requests  Archive Section
----- ----- -------------- -------- |------------------------------------
 0.19  3.91        3261065        7 | /audio/ca.rm
 0.47 24.29       20254841       17 | /audio/funeral%20service%20for%20gta%20.mp3
 0.30  4.45        3714588       11 | /audio/hunters&eveningtide.rm
 0.03  0.26         213172        1 | /audio/marchof3kingsetal.rm
 0.14  4.28        3572175        5 | /audio/pro1.mp3
 0.08  3.96        3303047        3 | /audio/pro2.mp3
 0.08  3.99        3323135        3 | /audio/pro3.mp3
 0.25  4.19        3493847        9 | /audio/pro4.mp3
 0.11  4.84        4038684        4 | /audio/radio029.rm
 0.19  5.10        4252310        7 | /audio/radio031.rm
 0.41  0.29         242086       15 | /chap01.htm
 0.61  0.37         307370       22 | /chap02.htm
 1.02  0.85         705108       37 | /chap03.htm
 0.41  0.21         172800       15 | /chap04.htm
 0.97  0.53         439425       35 | /chap05.htm
 0.52  0.32         264366       19 | /chap06.htm
 1.32  2.49        2072958       48 | /chap07.htm
 0.55  0.55         462178       20 | /chap08.htm
 0.69  0.51         421575       25 | /chap09.htm
 0.52  0.67         558026       19 | /chap10.htm
 0.63  0.82         685426       23 | /chap11.htm
 1.10  2.37        1977360       40 | /chap12.htm
 0.50  0.54         447408       18 | /chap13.htm
 0.28  0.15         125963       10 | /chap14.htm
 1.43  1.33        1105256       52 | /chap15.htm
 0.63  0.60         501358       23 | /chap16.html
 0.66  0.34         280749       24 | /chap17.htm
 0.06  0.02          13171        2 | /chap18.htm
 2.84  8.79        7329948      103 | /chap19.html
 2.79  2.72        2265612      101 | /chap20.html
 0.91  1.59        1322632       33 | /chap21.html
 1.82  1.80        1496770       66 | /fnt.html
 0.66  0.11          92920       24 | /home.htm
 0.28  0.02          20732       10 | /images/audio.jpg
 0.03  0.01          11826        1 | /images/audio3.jpg
 9.96  0.51         425042      361 | /images/bak.gif
 1.88  0.29         240610       68 | /images/banner1.gif
 1.88  0.26         215024       68 | /images/banner2.gif
 1.88  0.30         249220       68 | /images/banner3.gif
 7.34  1.07         894064      266 | /images/bg.gif
 4.19  0.68         563104      152 | /images/bg2.gif
 1.21  0.09          76436       44 | /images/bnc.gif
 0.33  0.76         631421       12 | /images/carvings.jpg
10.10  0.93         775218      366 | /images/colorline.gif
 1.99  0.06          50486       72 | /images/dot.gif
 0.50  1.89        1575212       18 | /images/furnishings.jpg
 1.13  0.07          55372       41 | /images/listen.gif
 1.13  0.08          68706       41 | /images/load.gif
 2.04  0.02          18052       74 | /images/new.gif
 1.19  0.18         150152       43 | /images/realplayer.gif
 1.79  0.92         764412       65 | /images/table.jpg
 0.86  0.05          44006       31 | /images/table2.jpg
 1.85  0.11          93086       67 | /images/wc.gif
 0.69  0.47         394952       25 | /index.html
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This summary was generated by wwwstat-1.0.2