World-Wide Web Access Statistics

Last updated: Mon, 01 Sep 2003 00:38:50 (GMT -0700)

Totals for Summary Period: Aug 1 2003 to Aug 31 2003

Files Transmitted During Summary Period            2288
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period        64598872
Average Files Transmitted Daily                      74
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily                 2083835

Daily Transmission Statistics

%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent     Requests  Date
----- ----- -------------- -------- |------------
 3.98  0.83         538273       91 | Aug  1 2003
 2.05  0.92         592705       47 | Aug  2 2003
 2.49  1.24         802294       57 | Aug  3 2003
 3.67  1.09         702398       84 | Aug  4 2003
 4.11  0.88         568665       94 | Aug  5 2003
 3.80  0.60         385739       87 | Aug  6 2003
 2.36  0.96         617705       54 | Aug  7 2003
 2.93  0.91         588441       67 | Aug  8 2003
 1.70  0.55         356019       39 | Aug  9 2003
 6.25 39.06       25234634      143 | Aug 10 2003
 1.31  0.38         246416       30 | Aug 11 2003
 3.93  1.08         699594       90 | Aug 12 2003
 4.41 27.23       17588097      101 | Aug 13 2003
 3.76  1.65        1068330       86 | Aug 14 2003
 1.70  0.69         444052       39 | Aug 15 2003
 1.44  0.57         369020       33 | Aug 16 2003
 2.14  0.42         273746       49 | Aug 17 2003
 2.80  0.88         571126       64 | Aug 18 2003
 5.90  2.15        1389588      135 | Aug 19 2003
 2.14  0.50         321948       49 | Aug 20 2003
 5.33  2.55        1647578      122 | Aug 21 2003
 2.75  1.48         953348       63 | Aug 22 2003
 3.58  1.74        1126677       82 | Aug 23 2003
 3.41  0.80         513837       78 | Aug 24 2003
 3.41  1.73        1116402       78 | Aug 25 2003
 2.40  1.31         843152       55 | Aug 26 2003
 2.49  1.09         702293       57 | Aug 27 2003
 4.46  2.38        1538414      102 | Aug 28 2003
 4.02  2.03        1308987       92 | Aug 29 2003
 3.37  1.38         889073       77 | Aug 30 2003
 1.88  0.93         600321       43 | Aug 31 2003

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent     Requests  Domain
----- ----- -------------- -------- |------------------------------------
 0.79  0.51         328140       18 | au    Australia
 0.04  0.07          45700        1 | be    Belgium
 0.48  0.16         100654       11 | bg    Bulgaria
 0.17  0.05          32470        4 | bm    Bermuda
 3.80 38.21       24682002       87 | ca    Canada
 0.04  0.00            296        1 | cl    Chile
 0.04  0.07          45700        1 | cz    Czech Republic
 0.35  0.17         108023        8 | de    Germany
 0.57  0.28         180392       13 | il    Israel
 0.04  0.00            272        1 | it    Italy
 0.04  0.00            542        1 | kr    Korea (South)
 0.35  0.12          74892        8 | my    Malaysia
 0.87  0.47         306306       20 | nl    Netherlands
 0.52  0.13          87009       12 | nz    New Zealand (Aotearoa)
 0.09  0.04          28840        2 | ru    Russian Federation
 0.09  0.01           8552        2 | sc    Seychelles
 0.04  0.08          49434        1 | se    Sweden
 0.17  0.03          22246        4 | sg    Singapore
 0.31  0.09          59349        7 | uk    United Kingdom
30.33 11.00        7107256      694 | com   US Commercial
 0.35  0.17         112782        8 | edu   US Educational
 0.52  0.16         101984       12 | gov   US Government
 1.09  0.40         257138       25 | mil   US Military
19.41  4.64        2996243      444 | net   Network
 0.35  0.07          47921        8 | org   Non-Profit Organization
39.12 43.06       27814729      895 | unresolved 

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent     Requests  Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- -------------- -------- |------------------------------------
39.12 43.06       27814729      895 | Unresolved
 0.17  0.03          21599        4 |
 0.35  0.34         218042        8 |
 0.26  0.14          88499        6 |
 0.04  0.07          45700        1 | be.skynet.adsl.59-201-80
 0.48  0.16         100654       11 |
 0.17  0.05          32470        4 | bm.candw
 0.04  0.00            552        1 | ca.eastlink.hfx
 3.58 38.16       24648030       82 | ca.sympatico
 0.17  0.05          33420        4 | ca.utoronto.smc-library.public
 0.04  0.00            296        1 | cl.udec
 1.66  0.62         401179       38 | com.alexa
 1.27  0.25         158883       29 |
 7.26  1.89        1218310      166 |
 0.04  0.02          15285        1 |
 1.40  0.52         333806       32 | com.attbi.client
 0.04  0.00            552        1 | com.attbi.client2.atl
 0.17  0.08          53314        4 |
 0.52  0.37         239570       12 | com.attbi.client2.we
 1.62  0.94         605138       37 |
 0.04  0.02          15285        1 | com.clarksremarks
 0.31  0.04          27783        7 | com.cmdservices
 0.04  0.02          15285        1 | com.comodogroup
 0.04  0.08          49434        1 | com.coolsavings
 0.04  0.02          15285        1 | com.cosmocom
 0.22  0.05          30812        5 | com.cox-internet
 0.79  0.68         436444       18 | com.direcpc
 0.22  0.05          34537        5 | com.eaton
 1.70  0.72         465351       39 | com.googlebot
 0.04  0.04          24935        1 | com.handspring
 0.04  0.00            180        1 | com.hostitcheap
 1.53  0.94         605610       35 |
 1.44  0.39         250886       33 | com.inktomisearch
 0.35  0.07          43485        8 | com.insightbb.client
 0.26  0.14          92659        6 | com.looksmart
 0.17  0.05          33420        4 | com.marketscore.ia3
 0.35  0.09          61264        8 | com.mchsi.client
 0.17  0.09          55102        4 | com.mindspring.cable
 0.09  0.01           4085        2 | com.mindspring.dialup
 0.17  0.03          20969        4 |
 0.04  0.00            180        1 | com.netcraft
 0.04  0.00            540        1 | com.netvigator
 0.17  0.13          86066        4 | com.ntl.broadband.watf
 0.17  0.03          20169        4 |
 0.79  0.19         121726       18 |
 0.04  0.00            180        1 |
 3.10  0.59         382874       71 | com.rr.carolina
 0.26  0.25         160175        6 | com.rr.columbus
 0.17  0.05          33420        4 |
 0.17  0.05          33420        4 | com.rr.kc
 0.04  0.02          15339        1 | com.rr.neo
 0.09  0.02          15837        2 |
 0.17  0.03          21528        4 | com.rr.rochester
 0.04  0.00            180        1 | com.rr.socal
 0.22  0.10          65869        5 | com.rr.tampabay
 0.04  0.02          14632        1 | com.rr.triad
 0.13  0.01           6546        3 | com.rr.twcny
 0.13  0.00            540        3 | com.securityspace
 0.35  0.08          52103        8 | com.sssnet
 0.39  0.21         135761        9 |
 1.35  0.89         573960       31 | com.teoma
 0.17  0.05          32470        4 | com.wideopenwest.col
 0.17  0.04          24893        4 | com.wideopenwest.try
 0.04  0.07          45700        1 | cz.licanet
 0.17  0.13          86066        4 |
 0.13  0.01           9402        3 | de.tiscali.tisdip.251.190.54
 0.04  0.02          12555        1 | de.uni-sb.coli
 0.13  0.01           9402        3 | edu.bluffton
 0.04  0.07          45700        1 | edu.potsdam
 0.17  0.09          57680        4 | edu.wustl.wuh
 0.52  0.16         101984       12 | gov.usdoj
 0.57  0.28         180392       13 |
 0.04  0.00            272        1 | it.interbusiness.pool8017
 0.04  0.00            542        1 |
 0.09  0.01           6328        2 | mil.disa.iern
 0.70  0.21         134618       16 | mil.nipr
 0.31  0.18         116192        7 | mil.nipr.norfolk
 0.13  0.08          54625        3 | my.jaring
 0.22  0.03          20267        5 |
 0.04  0.07          45700        1 | net.accesscable
 0.04  0.00            272        1 | net.ameritech.chcgil.dsl
 0.17  0.04          27752        4 | net.ameritech.klmzmi.dsl
 0.04  0.08          49434        1 |
 0.04  0.07          45700        1 | net.att.dsl.sttlwane.sttl.suba
 0.17  0.03          20169        4 | net.bellsouth.ags
 0.17  0.04          27752        4 | net.bellsouth.asm
 0.35  0.05          33812        8 | net.bellsouth.bgk.sip
 0.17  0.04          27752        4 | net.bellsouth.bhm
 0.17  0.05          31934        4 | net.bellsouth.gnv
 0.52  0.05          34204       12 | net.bellsouth.mco
 0.09  0.07          46272        2 |
 0.17  0.05          33420        4 | net.chartermi.mi.bay.43.40.188
 0.13  0.08          54625        3 | net.charterwv
 0.13  0.06          37821        3 | net.choiceone.buf
 0.04  0.00            552        1 |
 0.04  0.00            542        1 |
 0.09  0.09          57867        2 |
 0.17  0.05          30632        4 |
 0.04  0.07          45700        1 |
 0.17  0.05          32470        4 |
 0.17  0.03          21528        4 |
 0.96  0.07          44559       22 |
 0.13  0.06          37821        3 |
 1.05  0.25         162432       24 |
 0.04  0.07          45700        1 |
 0.17  0.05          30632        4 | net.covad.nycmny83
 0.17  0.03          20169        4 |
 0.35  0.12          74842        8 |
 0.17  0.03          20169        4 | net.dialsprint
 0.09  0.00           1100        2 | net.dsl-verizon.lsanca1
 0.04  0.08          49434        1 | net.dsl-verizon.washdc3
 0.04  0.02          15285        1 | net.dxi
 1.14  0.07          44322       26 | net.fastsearch.sac2
 0.04  0.00            830        1 | net.kilowatt
 0.09  0.04          28840        2 | net.level3.boston1.dial1.195.10.75
 0.96  0.17         109116       22 | net.level3.dallas1.dial1.133.39.30
 0.26  0.25         160175        6 | net.level3.dallas1.dial1.154.238.29
 0.17  0.05          33420        4 | net.level3.dallas1.dial1.2.25.72
 1.05  0.19         120202       24 | net.level3.dallas1.dial1.63.164.30
 0.39  0.11          71814        9 | net.level3.houston1.dial1.75.150.74
 0.22  0.05          33974        5 | net.level3.manchester1.dial1.34.192.74
 0.17  0.03          20169        4 | net.level3.philadelphia1.dial1.52.99.74
 0.04  0.00            542        1 | net.mediaways.pool
 0.09  0.04          28840        2 | net.monroeaccess
 0.04  0.00            264        1 | net.nameservices
 0.17  0.05          33420        4 |
 0.35  0.13          83946        8 | net.optonline.dyn
 0.52  0.11          72354       12 | net.pacbell.sndg02.dsl
 0.13  0.04          27601        3 | net.pacbell.snfc21.dsl
 0.83  0.15          94300       19 | net.popsite.155
 0.04  0.00            180        1 |
 0.17  0.03          20169        4 |
 0.17  0.05          33420        4 |
 0.13  0.01           4639        3 |
 0.17  0.05          33420        4 |
 0.17  0.03          20969        4 | net.rasserver
 0.17  0.13          86066        4 |
 0.04  0.00            272        1 | net.shawcable.ed
 0.22  0.05          34083        5 | net.speakeasy.dsl.bos1
 0.35  0.05          33139        8 | net.sprint-canada.dialup
 0.17  0.03          20169        4 |
 0.17  0.04          27752        4 | net.starband.mrt.g4.c005
 0.17  0.05          33420        4 | net.surewest.dhcp.214-93-216-nokia-dsl
 0.17  0.04          24477        4 | net.swbell.amrltx.dialup
 0.79  0.11          70317       18 | net.swbell.crchtx.dialup
 0.17  0.04          27752        4 | net.swbell.okcyok.dsl
 0.09  0.00           1116        2 | net.swbell.spfdmo.dialup
 0.61  0.08          49144       14 | net.t-dialin.dip
 0.17  0.04          24477        4 | net.tds.adarok
 0.09  0.02          15465        2 |
 0.17  0.03          20969        4 | net.uswest.dnvr
 0.17  0.03          20169        4 | net.uswest.phnx
 0.83  0.14          93335       19 | net.uu.da.tx.denton.tnt3
 0.17  0.03          20969        4 | net.verizon.east.mad
 0.04  0.02          15285        1 |
 0.17  0.05          33420        4 | net.verizon.east.ny5030
 0.35  0.09          58384        8 | net.webtv.lawson.public
 0.04  0.00            542        1 |
 0.04  0.00            542        1 |
 0.79  0.44         287116       18 | nl.a2000
 0.04  0.01           3905        1 | nl.helmond
 0.04  0.02          15285        1 | nl.uva.amc
 0.17  0.03          20169        4 |
 0.17  0.05          33420        4 |
 0.04  0.01           3905        1 |
 0.13  0.05          29515        3 |
 0.17  0.03          20169        4 | org.ghs
 0.17  0.04          27752        4 | org.hendricks
 0.09  0.04          28840        2 | ru.pikenet
 0.09  0.01           8552        2 | sc.whois
 0.04  0.08          49434        1 | se.bredbandsbolaget.cust.014-62-73766c10
 0.17  0.03          22246        4 |
 0.17  0.03          21528        4 |
 0.13  0.06          37821        3 | uk.nhs

Total Transfers from each Archive Section

%Reqs %Byte Bytes Sent     Requests  Archive Section
----- ----- -------------- -------- |------------------------------------
 0.26 10.17        6567496        6 | /audio/op1.ra
 0.22  4.34        2800418        5 | /audio/op2.ra
 0.22 16.25       10500020        5 | /audio/radio026.rm
 0.22 16.52       10668524        5 | /audio/radio027.rm
 0.22 16.65       10752776        5 | /audio/radio028.rm
 0.70  0.40         259283       16 | /chap01.htm
 0.70  0.34         219578       16 | /chap02.htm
 1.44  0.90         584476       33 | /chap03.htm
 0.48  0.18         115298       11 | /chap04.htm
 1.75  0.72         464911       40 | /chap05.htm
 0.79  0.37         236636       18 | /chap06.htm
 1.27  1.91        1234178       29 | /chap07.htm
 0.87  0.65         421816       20 | /chap08.htm
 0.92  0.44         287063       21 | /chap09.htm
 0.44  0.35         225348       10 | /chap10.htm
 0.74  0.76         489646       17 | /chap11.htm
 0.66  1.07         692174       15 | /chap12.htm
 0.57  0.42         273694       13 | /chap13.htm
 0.39  0.17         111978        9 | /chap14.htm
 1.97  1.50         967132       45 | /chap15.htm
 0.57  0.47         300638       13 | /chap16.html
 0.92  0.43         280455       21 | /chap17.htm
 3.06  8.07        5211238       70 | /chap19.html
 3.98  3.48        2245514       91 | /chap20.html
 2.75  2.34        1513407       63 | /fnt.html
 0.96  0.13          84416       22 | /home.htm
 0.35  0.03          20536        8 | /images/audio.jpg
10.14  0.42         268652      232 | /images/bak.gif
 1.70  0.29         186414       39 | /images/banner1.gif
 1.66  0.26         165203       38 | /images/banner2.gif
 1.62  0.28         181106       37 | /images/banner3.gif
 8.65  1.09         704664      198 | /images/bg.gif
 3.37  0.44         285457       77 | /images/bg2.gif
 0.96  0.08          49314       22 | /images/bnc.gif
 0.52  0.98         631503       12 | /images/carvings.jpg
10.01  0.75         485117      229 | /images/colorline.gif
 1.75  0.06          36240       40 | /images/dot.gif
 0.39  1.60        1032708        9 | /images/furnishings.jpg
 0.96  0.05          34490       22 | /images/listen.gif
 0.96  0.07          44452       22 | /images/load.gif
 0.96  0.01           6746       22 | /images/new.gif
 0.35  0.01           5734        8 | /images/player.gif
 0.61  0.10          63115       14 | /images/realplayer.gif
 1.70  0.97         629366       39 | /images/table.jpg
 0.57  0.03          20051       13 | /images/table2.jpg
 1.62  0.10          65426       37 | /images/wc.gif
 0.52  0.28         183420       12 | /index.html
 0.87  0.23         146367       20 | /index2.html
 1.09  0.50         324650       25 | /index3.htm
 0.26  0.06          36432        6 | /iscroll.class
 0.44  0.02          12293       10 | /music.htm
 0.96  0.02          10052       22 | /photo1.htm
 0.70  0.01           7253       16 | /photo2.htm
 0.96  0.08          51949       22 | /radiotwr.gif
 0.09  0.00            434        2 | /ram/ca.ram
 0.04  0.00            234        1 | /ram/hunters.ram
 0.04  0.00            232        1 | /ram/march.ram
 0.22  0.00           1090        5 | /ram/op1.ram
 0.13  0.00            654        3 | /ram/op2.ram
 0.22  0.00           1115        5 | /ram/radio026.ram
 0.22  0.00           1115        5 | /ram/radio027.ram
 0.22  0.00           1115        5 | /ram/radio028.ram
 1.01  0.23         145904       23 | /rdart.jpg
 0.96  0.05          33136       22 | /sites.html
 0.39  0.05          32306        9 | /sites1.html
 0.66  0.11          72618       15 | /title.html
 0.96  0.07          44894       22 | /waves.gif
 0.52  0.01           6846       12 | Code 403 Forbidden Requests
 9.05  0.17         110492      207 | Code 404 Not Found Requests
 0.13  0.00           2490        3 | Code 501 Not Implemented Requests
 0.09  0.05          30570        2 | http:/
 3.32  1.42         916804       76 | index.html

This summary was generated by wwwstat-1.0.2